is the first dog I own of another breed than Siberian Husky.
They are in the same familygroup of dogs, primitive spitz
breeds,both from Siberia, but are different in many ways.
Snokis close relatives are born and live in Yakutskregion, the
worlds coldest inhabitated place. Wintertemps in the 40ths
belowe zero are quite common
Snokis parents are both russian, but her mother was sold to
Finland in whelp.
Snoki is a a fun, smart dog. 24 kg, a large YL fermale
She learns really fast. That doesn t mean she
allways listen:) She IS a polardog, espescially outside when she
scent something.
She is really into using her nose, and we have tried some
tracking and will do more of it.
She is both a watch and guarddog and barks at people, animals
and cars approaching my property.
Inside she is quiet, also other places, but might protect the
car out of my property.
After she had her litter,she has grown more bitchy with my other
females, exept her daughter Yaara and adoptive daughter Ildi. She is
very kind
to small dogs and pups. Even though barking when someones
appear on my land, she is friendly to people and like to be
She is not at all a shy or scared dog, but a sceptic! New
environments she conquers well, but are sceptic to lawn movers,
vacumcleaners and other suspiscious things with lloud, strange
She was not at all into pulling in harness at the age I usually
harnessbrake siberians. She refused to run. That was the sceptic
in her too.
But after given time she loves to run in the team.
More unconcentrated than the sibes, as her nose is allways
in alert, but she does a descent job.
Snoki has a sound build with fluid movements and she is very
Snoki has charmed many people allreaddy, with her diabolic face,
soft fur, cool ways, and of course her partytrix!
EYES: Eyes clear, gonioscopy (PLA) mild
AD: 00
LTV: LTV1 S4 (registered by Incoc)
BAER: ++(Hearingtest, normal hearing both ears)
litterof 10 pups with Multi ch Sibekki Fly Winnie
of the Pooh
some of Snokis trix
pics from training Saskia Van Es and Annjonette Friberg