Born 08 Agouti blue eyed male 60 cm 26 kg

Skarv is norwegian name for cormorant- a black bird with piercing eyes.

Powerful, quite heavy boy with friendly, happy temperament. Descent build exept for a bit short croup-curly tail. Good coat. Very playful

A spescial, smart personality, with a spescial look. Easy learner, very focused on contact.
Hook-up psyco Extreme apetite.

Skarv now runs steadily in lead and takes comands well, but he is not a very fast dog. Hard to take a good stack pic of him as he rarely stands still....

Eyes: Eyechequed nov 2012 by K Lange  PHTVL/PHPV deg. 1/PPM right eye

Litter 2013 with Kefeus Naggar Tamsin. Pups are eyechequed clear from PHTVL/PPM at 6 weeks age