Born 08 Grey/white Brown eyes. 56 cm 21 kgs

Nicely build, good coat, very typey. Normal apetite, very good metabolism.

She has been running steady in lead her first season.
She prefers gallop and keep up the speed. Fluid movements.

A female I adore, nice and quiet inside, exploding energy in the team. Noisy and hot  in trainingsituations.

Summer of 2010 Nayak injured her  right hock severly as her paw got stuck on top of gate while she was climbing over. She broke two bones and tore tendants and she also got a nasty long lasting pressure wound on the hock during the healingprocess. In spring 2011 she had surgery to put a large tendant  back in place, due to damage from the serious wound. She spent a year inside with much energy, time and money used  to nurse her back to health. Album Poor Nayak
She have recovered amazingly and runs now fluid 18 kmtrs. We will try longer distances next season. She also is back in the showring with flying colours

2013: Nayak ran  32 km fluidly in lead, but limps a little bit when let out of car at home. Must just see what she can do and not-
later this winter she got limp after a bumpy run on the fields, probably a part of a tendant that is split broke is my theory. So I think her runn9ing must be quite limited from now on.

Photo: Tanita Hakkebo Ragnes

1JK  1JKK CK 3 BTK (nr 3. winner female!) Swedish SH spescialty 09 Judge Karsten Grønås
1AK 3AKK CK Swedish SH spescialty 2011 Judge Eli Marie Klepp
1AK 1AKK CK CERT BIM (BOS) NPHK 2012 Judge Karsten Grønås
1AK 2AKK CK RES CERT 2BTK (nr 2 Winner female) NSHK spescialty 2012 Judge Ali Koops
Exc 3AKK CK 3BTK (nr 3 winner female) NPHK 2013 Judge Robert Sellevik
Exc 1AKK CK RES CERT 2BTK (nr 2 winner female) NSHK 2013 spescialty: Arvid Gøransson

Eyechequed/ gonioscoped clear feb 2010 by E Bjerkås
Eyes clear July  2013 by Kristin Lange

6 pups with Sepp 2010
7 pups with NLC Cool Rascal Ravn 2012

One of Nayaks first runs after 1 year of recovery

Here is a video with Nayak in lead before her injury